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Dear participants,

We would like to inform you that the Organising Committee of the 1st RAWC Scientific Conference reached a decision to hold an online event on 24-25 of June 2021. Although our preference would have been to organize a live event,  due to the current COVID-19 situation and so many uncertainties still surrounding it, the Committee believes that it is now in everyone's best interest to take the conference online and deliver it this year.

The online event will be a Zoom event, free of charge for all participants. Registration of new participants is now open and simplified (just send your details to and you will receive further information). 

Registration of new participants is now open so please be so kind and share the information with all who might be interested. 

Once again we would like to express deep regret for not being able to be your host in Thessaloniki, but we hope that normal life will resume soon and we hope to see you in person for our next RAWC event in 2023.

Please find the agenda of the online event HERE

RAWC Conference

Organising Committee

Two Sheep
Conference Program: Text
Pramenka sheep

The 1st Scientific Animal Welfare Conference of RAWC will bring together the international and regional specialists and experts to exchange and share their views in order to promote animal welfare science in wider South-East Europe region. The Conference emphasis is on the topics important for the region.

We would like to give special attention to participation of young researchers, as they will have an important role to play in advancing of animal welfare science in the region.

We are very happy to publish draft PROGRAM for the upcoming 1st RAWC Scientific conference. As you all know Conference will take place on 10-11. of March 2020, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

We would like to use this opportunity to thank all of you for submitting your very interesting abstracts. 

Please keep in mind that this is a great and unique opportunity to meet and network with a lot of people from the South East European region working in the field of Animal welfare as we have the presenters coming from 18 different countries!

Welcome to Thessaloniki!

Conference Program: About


Conference Program: News


  • Animals in communities (companion animals, stray animals, backyard and traditional farming, One Health,...)

  • Animals in food production (on farm, transport, slaughter,...)

  • Human-animal relationship (socio-economic and ethical context,...)

  • Animals and the environment (ZOO, climate impact, protection of habitats, wildlife population management, ecology modeling, One Welfare,...)

  • Animals in research and education (3R, harm/benefit analysis, humane endpoints,...)

We would like to hear from anyone interested in making a contribution to the above themes.

Please send an extended abstract to, using the following criteria:

  • In English;

  • Two pages with TOP 5 references relevant to your paper (Please find abstract example HERE);

  • State whether you would prefer to present a poster or oral presentation; 

Selected abstracts will be published (after submission and review process) as full papers in the Open Access Journal Veterinarski arhiv (SCI Expanded) free of charge!

Conference Program: Text


Don’t Miss Out


Deadline for abstract submission


Decision on all accepted abstracts and those selected for full publication

APRIL 2020

Deadline for submission of selected full papers


Early bird registration closes (all delegates, including speakers, pay registration)

Conference Program: Schedule
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